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MIC » MIC-HLA Association Frequency Search

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Displaying 1 to 25 (from 25) records   Pages: 1 of 1  

Line Haplotype Population Frequency (%) Sample Size
 1  MICA*008:01-B*15:03  Nigeria South Efik MIC 14.132
 2  MICA*008:01-B*40:01  China Zhejiang Province Han MIC 11.5100
 3  MICA*008:01-B*15:03  Nigeria South Igbo MIC 9.846
 4  MICA*008:01-B*13:02  China Baotou Han MIC 9.6104
 5  MICA*008:01-B*44:02  Morocco Nador Metalsa MIC 9.182
 6  MICA*008:01-B*08:01  Morocco Nador Metalsa MIC 8.382
 7  MICA*008:01-B*07:02  USA African American MIC pop 2 7.739
 8  MICA*008:01-B*07:02  Nigeria South Efik MIC 6.332
 9  MICA*008:01-B*15:03  USA Boston African American MIC 5.060
 10  MICA*008:01-B*15:03  Nigeria South Yoruba MIC 4.774
 11  MICA*008:01-B*07:02  Nigeria South Yoruba MIC 4.674
 12  MICA*008:01-B*07:02  USA Boston African American MIC 4.260
 13  MICA*008:01-B*13:02  China Zhejiang Province Han MIC 4.0100
 14  MICA*008:01-B*15:03  USA African American MIC pop 2 3.939
 15  MICA*008:01-B*13:02  South Korea Seoul MIC 3.6139
 16  MICA*008:01-B*07:02  Nigeria South Igbo MIC 3.346
 17  MICA*008:01-B*07:02  South Korea Seoul MIC 3.2139
 18  MICA*008:01-B*40  South Korea MIC 3.0199
 19  MICA*008:01-B*40:01  South Korea Seoul MIC 2.9139
 20  MICA*008:01-B*07  China Baotou Han MIC 2.9104
 21  MICA*008:01-B*37  China Baotou Han MIC 2.9104
 22  MICA*008:01-B*07:02:01  Morocco Nador Metalsa MIC 2.382
 23  MICA*008:01-B*07  South Korea MIC 2.0199
 24  MICA*008:01-B*13  South Korea MIC 1.7199
 25  MICA*008:01-MICB*005:02  China Guangxi Zhuang MIC 0.3209


Allele frequency net database (AFND) 2020 update: gold-standard data classification, open access genotype data and new query tools
Gonzalez-Galarza FF, McCabe A, Santos EJ, Jones J, Takeshita LY, Ortega-Rivera ND, Del Cid-Pavon GM, Ramsbottom K, Ghattaoraya GS, Alfirevic A, Middleton D and Jones AR Nucleic Acid Research 2020, 48:D783-8.
Liverpool, U.K.

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