HLA > Allele Frequency Search > Classical

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Displaying 901 to 1,000 (from 30,407) records   Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of 305  

Line Allele Population % of individuals
that have the allele
Distribution² Haplotype³
 901   A*01:02  Switzerland Lausanne  0993See
 902   A*01:02  Switzerland Lugano  0.00931,169See
 903   A*01:02  Switzerland Luzern  01,553See
 904   A*01:02  Switzerland Sion  0832See
 905   A*01:02  Switzerland St Gallen  02,113See
 906   A*01:02  Switzerland Zurich  04,875See
 907   A*01:02  Taiwan Ami 0.0 098See
 908   A*01:02  Taiwan Atayal 0.0 0106See
 909   A*01:02  Taiwan Bunun 0.0 0101See
 910   A*01:02  Taiwan Hakka 0.0 055See
 911   A*01:02  Taiwan Minnan pop 1 0.0 0102See
 912   A*01:02  Taiwan Paiwan 0.0 051See
 913   A*01:02  Taiwan Pazeh 0.0 055See
 914   A*01:02  Taiwan Puyuma 0.0 050See
 915   A*01:02  Taiwan Rukai 0.0 050See
 916   A*01:02  Taiwan Saisiat 0.0 051See
 917   A*01:02  Taiwan Siraya 0.0 051See
 918   A*01:02  Taiwan Tao 0.0 050See
 919   A*01:02  Taiwan Taroko 0.0 055See
 920   A*01:02  Taiwan Thao 0.0 030See
 921   A*01:02  Taiwan Tsou 0.0 051See
 922   A*01:02  Tanzania Maasai 1.2 0.0060336See
 923   A*01:02  Tunisia 2.0 0.0100100See
 924   A*01:02  Uganda Kampala  0.0030161See
 925   A*01:02  Uganda Kampala pop 2  0.0060175See
 926   A*01:02  USA African American  0.0060252See
 927   A*01:02  USA African American Bethesda 0.0 0187See
 928   A*01:02  USA African American pop 3  0.0070564See
 929   A*01:02  USA African American pop 4  0.00652,411See
 930   A*01:02  USA Alaska Yupik  0252See
 931   A*01:02  USA Asian  0358See
 932   A*01:02  USA Asian pop 2  01,772See
 933   A*01:02  USA Caucasian Bethesda 0.0 0307See
 934   A*01:02  USA Caucasian pop 2  0265See
 935   A*01:02  USA Caucasian pop 4  0.00091,070See
 936   A*01:02  USA Hispanic  0.0060234See
 937   A*01:02  USA Hispanic pop 2  0.00301,999See
 938   A*01:02  USA NMDP African  0.003128,557See
 939   A*01:02  USA NMDP African American pop 2  0.0042416,581See
 940   A*01:02  USA NMDP Caribean Black  0.003333,328See
 941   A*01:02  USA NMDP Caribean Hispanic  0.0021115,374See
 942   A*01:02  USA NMDP Caribean Indian  0.002014,339See
 943   A*01:02  USA NMDP European Caucasian  0.00011,242,890See
 944   A*01:02  USA NMDP Filipino  0.000030050,614See
 945   A*01:02  USA NMDP Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander  0.000111,499See
 946   A*01:02  USA NMDP Hispanic South or Central American  0.0014146,714See
 947   A*01:02  USA NMDP Mexican or Chicano  0.0012261,235See
 948   A*01:02  USA NMDP Middle Eastern or North Coast of Africa  0.000370,890See
 949   A*01:02  USA NMDP North American Amerindian  0.000235,791See
 950   A*01:02  USA NMDP South Asian Indian  0.0000050185,391See
 951   A*01:02  USA NMDP Southeast Asian  0.000020027,978See
 952   A*01:02  USA North American Native  0187See
 953   A*01:02  USA Philadelphia Caucasian 0.0 0141See
 954   A*01:02  USA San Antonio Caucasian  0222See
 955   A*01:02  USA South Texas Hispanic  0194See
 956   A*01:02  USA Spain Ancestry  0.0020279See
 957   A*01:02  Zambia Lusaka  044See
 958   A*01:03  Brazil Vale do Ribeira Quilombos 0.0380 0144See
 959   A*01:03  Bulgaria  055See
 960   A*01:03  China Beijing Shijiazhuang Tianjian Han  0.0020618See
 961   A*01:03  China Guangdong Province Meizhou Han  0.0050100See
 962   A*01:03  China Hubei Han 0.0300 0.00013,732See
 963   A*01:03  China Jiangsu Province Han  0.0018334See
 964   A*01:03  China North Han  0105See
 965   A*01:03  China Tibet Region Tibetan  0158See
 966   A*01:03  China Zhejiang Han  0.00031,734See
 967   A*01:03  Croatia  0150See
 968   A*01:03  Croatia pop 4  0.00014,000See
 969   A*01:03  Czech Republic  0106See
 970   A*01:03  Czech Republic NMDR  0.00025,099See
 971   A*01:03  Germany DKMS - Austria minority  0.00091,698See
 972   A*01:03  Germany DKMS - France minority  0.00071,406See
 973   A*01:03  Germany DKMS - German donors  0.00033,456,066See
 974   A*01:03  Germany DKMS - Greece minority  0.00081,894See
 975   A*01:03  Germany DKMS - Netherlands minority  0.00041,374See
 976   A*01:03  Germany DKMS - Portugal minority  0.00041,176See
 977   A*01:03  Germany DKMS - Spain minority  0.00051,107See
 978   A*01:03  Germany DKMS - Turkey minority  0.00094,856See
 979   A*01:03  Germany pop 6  0.00028,862See
 980   A*01:03  Germany pop 8  0.000539,689See
 981   A*01:03  Hong Kong Chinese BMDR  0.00037,595See
 982   A*01:03  India Central UCBB 0.0200 0.00014,204See
 983   A*01:03  India South UCBB 0.0100 0.000040011,446See
 984   A*01:03  India West UCBB 0.0200 0.00009005,829See
 985   A*01:03  Iran Baloch  0.0060100See
 986   A*01:03  Israel Arab pop 2  0.000212,301See
 987   A*01:03  Israel Argentina Jews  0.00005804,307See
 988   A*01:03  Israel Ashkenazi and Non Ashkenazi Jews  0.0210146See
 989   A*01:03  Israel Ashkenazi Jews pop 3  0.00044,625See
 990   A*01:03  Israel Ethiopia Jews  0.07055,928See
 991   A*01:03  Israel Georgia Jews  0.11854,471See
 992   A*01:03  Israel Iran Jews  0.00006108,153See
 993   A*01:03  Israel Iraq Jews  0.000075013,270See
 994   A*01:03  Israel Kavkazi Jews  0.05822,840See
 995   A*01:03  Israel Libya Jews  0.00043,739See
 996   A*01:03  Israel Morocco Jews  0.000055036,718See
 997   A*01:03  Israel Poland Jews  0.000036013,871See
 998   A*01:03  Israel Tunisia Jews  0.00029,070See
 999   A*01:03  Israel USSR Jews  0.000066045,681See
 1,000   A*01:03  Israel YemenJews  0.076715,542See


* Allele Frequency: Total number of copies of the allele in the population sample (Alleles / 2n) in decimal format.
   Important: This field has been expanded to four decimals to better represent frequencies of large datasets (e.g. where sample size > 1000 individuals)
* % of individuals that have the allele: Percentage of individuals who have the allele in the population (Individuals / n).
* Allele Frequencies shown in green were calculated from Phenotype Frequencies assuming Hardy-Weinberg proportions.
   AF = 1-square_root(1-PF)
   PF = 1-(1-AF)2
   AF = Allele Frequency; PF = Phenotype Frequency, i.e. (%) of the individuals carrying the allele.
* Allele Frequencies marked with (*) were calculated from all alleles in the corresponding G group.

¹ IMGT/HLA Database - For more details of the allele.
² Distribution - Graphical distribution of the allele.
³ Haplotype Association - Find HLA haplotypes with this allele.
ª Notes - See notes for ambiguous combinations of alleles.

Displaying 901 to 1,000 (from 30,407) records   Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of 305  


Allele frequency net database (AFND) 2020 update: gold-standard data classification, open access genotype data and new query tools
Gonzalez-Galarza FF, McCabe A, Santos EJ, Jones J, Takeshita LY, Ortega-Rivera ND, Del Cid-Pavon GM, Ramsbottom K, Ghattaoraya GS, Alfirevic A, Middleton D and Jones AR Nucleic Acid Research 2020, 48:D783-8.
Liverpool, U.K.


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