Allele Frequencies in World Populations

HLA Database » Allele Report

The list below shows all populations in AFND that contains the allele. If an allele has an entry with a lower resolution this will be shown at the end.



Allele reported 59 time(s) and present in 51 population(s).

Population Phenotype
Frequency (%)
Distribution² Haplotype³
INDIndia Mumbai Maratha0.085091See
VNMVietnam Kinh16.00.0792101See
INDIndia Andhra Pradesh Telugu Speaking14.00.0726186See
INDIndia Kerala Malayalam speaking13.50.0700356See
INDIndia Karnataka Kannada Speaking9.80.0490174See
SAUSaudi Arabia pop 6 (G)0.047328927See
SAUSaudi Arabia pop 58.20.0443158See
IDNIndonesia Java pop 20.042036See
BRABrazil Rio de Janeiro Black0.036868See
TWNTaiwan Atayal pop 20.030050See
CHNChina Wanwei, Wutou and Shanxin Islands Jing0.0290138See
MEXMexico Zapotec NA-DHS_7 (G)5.30.026320See
BRABrazil Rio de Janeiro Caucasian0.0240521See
CRICosta Rica Guanacaste Mestizo (G)3.70.0230110See
CHNChina Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Northeast4.20.0210496See
CRICosta Rica African -Caribbean (G)4.00.0200102See
TWNTaiwan Han0.020050See
BRABrazil Barra Mansa Rio State Caucasian0.0198405See
CHNChina Han Guandong Province0.0190208See
USAUSA Spain Ancestry0.0180279See
ZAFSouth African Black3.50.0176142See
USAUSA African American pop 30.0170564See
HKGHong Kong Chinese HKBMDR HLA 11 loci3.00.01505266See
CHNChina Jingpo Minority3.10.0150105See
USAUSA Italy Ancestry0.0150273See
CRICosta Rica Central Valley Mestizo (G)2.80.0140221See
BRABrazil Barra Mansa Rio State Black0.013773See
RUSRussia Bashkortostan, Tatars2.60.0130192See
RUSRussian Federation Vologda Region2.50.0126119See
RUSRussia Bashkortostan, Bashkirs2.50.0125120See
CHNChina Zhejiang Han0.01241734See
BRABrazil Rio de Janeiro Parda0.0118170See
USAUSA Mexican American Mestizo0.0110553See
TWNTaiwan Minnan and Hakka0.0110190See
RUSRussia Nizhny Novgorod, Russians2.10.01061510See
CHNChina Shandong Province Han0.010098See
TWNTaiwan Ami pop 20.010050See
TWNTaiwan Saisiat pop 20.010050See
RUSRussia Belgorod region2.00.0098153See
ESPSpain, Canary Islands, Gran canaria island1.90.0093215See
LBYLibya Cyrenaica0.0090118See
USAUSA San Francisco Caucasian0.0090220See
CHNChina Yunnan Province Bai0.0080128See
CRICosta Rica Amerindians (G)1.60.0080125See
POLPoland BMR1.60.008023595See
NICNicaragua Mestizo (G)1.40.0070155See
ENGEngland North West1.30.0070298See
CHNChina Yunnan Province Lisu0.0050111See
CHNChina Lijiang Naxi0.0050100See
USAUSA Arizona Gila River Pima0.00063000See
TWNTaiwan Puyuma pop 20.000050See
TWNTaiwan Bunun pop 20.000050See
TWNTaiwan Tsou pop 20.000050See
TWNTaiwan Paiwan pop 20.000050See
TWNTaiwan Rukai pop 20.000050See
TWNTaiwan Orchid Island Yami0.000050See
KORSouth Korea pop 30.0000485See

Frequency data at lower resolution for this allele can be found in links below

Allele  Number of Populations 


* Allele Frequency: Total number of copies of the allele in the population sample (Alleles / 2n) in decimal format.
   Important: This field has been expanded to four decimals to better represent frequencies of large datasets (e.g. where sample size > 1000 individuals)
* Phenotype Frequency: Percentage of individuals who have the allele or gene (Individuals / n).
* Allele Frequencies shown in green were calculated from Phenotype Frequencies assuming Hardy-Weinberg proportions.

¹ IMGT/HLA Database - For more details of the allele.
² Distribution - Graphical distribution of the allele.
³ Haplotype Association - Find HLA haplotypes with this allele.
ª Notes - See notes for ambiguous combinations of alleles.


Allele frequency net database (AFND) 2020 update: gold-standard data classification, open access genotype data and new query tools
Gonzalez-Galarza FF, McCabe A, Santos EJ, Jones J, Takeshita LY, Ortega-Rivera ND, Del Cid-Pavon GM, Ramsbottom K, Ghattaoraya GS, Alfirevic A, Middleton D and Jones AR Nucleic Acid Research 2020, 48:D783-8.
Liverpool, U.K.

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