Allele Frequencies in World Populations

HLA Database >> Rare Alleles

This module describes all classical HLA alleles registered on the IMGT/HLA Database as of Release 3.37.0 and the number of times that each allele has been reported to different databases such as the Allele Frequency Net Database (AFND), the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) in the US as of Release 3.9.0 and other individual laboratories.

The aim of this page is that a user can identify HLA rare alleles by filtering the total times an HLA allele has been reported to these Databases.
E.g. Cells < 3, Groups < 3, Pops < 2, NMDP < 2, Labs < 2.

Contribute to this project

Dear Colleagues

We would like to thank your contribution to the Rare HLA Alleles project, which was considered as part of the past 15th and 16th International HLA and Immunogenetics Workshops (IHIWS) in Buzios and Liverpool respectively. Since last workshop we have been receiving confirmations of rare alleles which data is deposited into the Allele Frequency Net Database (AFND, Some of the contributors have sent data in spreadsheets and others have submitted data directly using the AFND website. As a continuation of this project, we invite people to participate in the project entitled "Study of rare alleles and novel HLA alleles by NGS HLA" which is part of the 17th IHIWS, to be held in Pacific Grove, CA, USA from 6-10 September 2017 ( You can either submit data on an allele that has been sequenced in your laboratory or you may submit material and the allele will be typed by NGS. We also can provide a tool for filtering your rare alleles from a file of individual types. We need your help to ensure this project is successful.

If an allele that we consider to be rare has been typed in your laboratory, please report it by clicking on the "" image beside the allele. Basic information will be required to complete your submissions. Your contribution is vital to confirm the number of rare alleles!. Click here to see the list of current contributors.

New tool: Rare Allele Detector

To facilitate the analysis of large datasets (i.e. 1000 individuals typed) the Rare Allele Detector tool has been incorporated to the AFND website. This tool simplifies the detection of alleles which are considered to be very rare, rare or frequent. Click here to try this tool.

How to browse

Rare alleles can be filtered according to how many times it is since they were first sequenced. Please select your criteria by using different options and click "Search".

Search Allele:  To consult the equivalent code for the previous nomenclature click here.
Locus:      IMGT/HLA Cells:      Groups:      Pops AFND:      NMDP Total:      Other Labs: 
Combining data from (IMGT/HLA + Website + NMDP + Other Labs)         Year of first sequence in IMGT/HLA :         ASHI : 

Typing Method : 
Group identical alleles over exons 2 + 3 ¹ (Tick this box if you want to combine the number of citings of alleles identical over exons 2 + 3)
Displaying 271 to 300 (from 12,687) records Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of 423
IMGT/HLA Allele Frequencies Website IMGT/HLA
(See details)
(See details)
Other Labs
(See details)
Allele Pops with allele in website See lower resolution See sequences identical over exons 2 + 3 ¹ Allele initially sequenced in population Year Sequence confirmed Cells Groups Length Total AFA API CAU HIS NAM OTH Total BLA CAU MES HIS OTH
271A*02:01:220A*02:01Caucasoid - Northern European, Europe; Oriental - Japan, Asia2008Confirmed113Full-NA>4
277A*02:01:28  0A*02:01Unknown2009Unconfirmed11Partial--1
282A*02:01:33  0A*02:01Unknown2009Unconfirmed11Partial-223
284A*02:01:35  0A*02:01Unknown2009Confirmed31Partial--3
285A*02:01:36  1A*02:01Unknown2009Confirmed21Partial-114
289A*02:01:40  0A*02:01Unknown2009Confirmed12Partial--1
290A*02:01:41  0A*02:01Unknown2009Unconfirmed11Partial--1
291A*02:01:42  0A*02:01Unknown2009Confirmed21Partial--2
292A*02:01:43  0A*02:01Caucasoid - Eastern European, Europe2010Confirmed42Partial--4
293A*02:01:44  0A*02:01Unknown2010Unconfirmed11Partial-112
294A*02:01:45  0A*02:01Unknown2010Confirmed21Partial--2
295A*02:01:46  0A*02:01Caucasoid - Germany, Europe; Mixed - Unknown2010Confirmed22Partial--2
296A*02:01:47  0A*02:01Oriental - Chinese, China, Asia2010Confirmed21Full--2
297A*02:01:48  0A*02:01A*02:01:01:01, A*02:01:01:02L, A*02:01:01:03, A*02:01:08, A*02:01:11, A*02:01:14Q, A*02:01:15, A*02:01:21, A*02:01:50, A*02:01:79, A*02:01:80, A*02:01:89, A*02:01:97, A*02:01:98, A*02:01:99, A*02:09, A*02:132, A*02:134, A*02:140, A*02:241, A*02:252, A*02:256, A*02:266, A*02:291, A*02:294, A*02:305N, A*02:327, A*02:329, A*02:356N, A*02:357, A*02:397, A*02:411, A*02:43N, A*02:446, A*02:455, A*02:469, A*02:66, A*02:75, A*02:83N, A*02:89, A*02:97:01, A*02:97:02Oriental - Chinese, China, Asia2010Unconfirmed11Full--1
298A*02:01:49  0A*02:01Oriental - Chinese, China, Asia2010Confirmed22Partial--2
299A*02:01:50  0A*02:01A*02:01:01:01, A*02:01:01:02L, A*02:01:01:03, A*02:01:08, A*02:01:11, A*02:01:14Q, A*02:01:15, A*02:01:21, A*02:01:48, A*02:01:79, A*02:01:80, A*02:01:89, A*02:01:97, A*02:01:98, A*02:01:99, A*02:09, A*02:132, A*02:134, A*02:140, A*02:241, A*02:252, A*02:256, A*02:266, A*02:291, A*02:294, A*02:305N, A*02:327, A*02:329, A*02:356N, A*02:357, A*02:397, A*02:411, A*02:43N, A*02:446, A*02:455, A*02:469, A*02:66, A*02:75, A*02:83N, A*02:89, A*02:97:01, A*02:97:02Caucasoid - Germany, Europe2010Confirmed22Partial--2
300A*02:01:51  0A*02:01Unknown; Unknown - North America2010Confirmed32Partial--3

Displaying 271 to 300 (from 12,687) records   Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 of 423  

Report Information


  • Year. Year of the first sequence submitted.
  • Sequence confirmed. If an allele has been sequenced by more than a single laboratory or from multiple sources (E.g. Cells, DNA).
  • Cells. Number of cells/sources which have been sequenced for that allele.
  • Groups. Number of submitters who have sequenced the allele.
  • Length. Coding Sequence (CDS).

National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP)

  • AFA. African American
  • API. Asian or Pacific Islander
  • CAU. Caucasian
  • HIS. Hispanic Race or Ethnicity with CAU or no race
  • NAM. Native American
  • OTH. Multiple, Unknown or Decline
  • Notes:
      Only A, B, C and DRB1 loci were reported by NMDP in this release.
      (-) Allele not reported at this level of resolution.

Other Laboratories

  • BLA. Black
  • CAU. Caucasian
  • MES. Mestizo
  • HIS. Hispanic
  • OTH. Other
  • Notes:
      NA. The allele was not asked to individual laboratories as the allele was considered frequent.
      (-) Allele has not been confirmed by any laboratory yet.

American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (ASHI)

  • C/WD = Common and Well Documented allele.
  • US = C/WD alleles found frequently in subjects living in the United States.

    Cano P, Klitz W, Mack SJ, Maiers M, Marsh SG, Noreen H, Reed EF, Senitzer D, Setterholm M, Smith A, Fernandez-Vi�a M. Common and well-documented HLA Alleles: report of the Ad-Hoc committee of the american society for histocompatibility and immunogenetics. Hum Immunol. (2007); 68(5):392-417.
  • ^ = A lower resolution was reported by Cano et al.

  • Notes:
      The list of C/WD alleles reported by Cano et al 2007 was updated on November 2007 by Marcelo Fernandez-Vi�a including DPA1 locus.


  • Total = Allele Frequency Website + IMGT/HLA Confirmations (Cells including initial confirmation) + NMDP + Other Labs

Colour Code

              ¹ Sequences identical:
  • over exons 2 + 3 for HLA-A, -B and -C loci
  • over exons 2 for HLA-DPB1, -DQA1, -DQB1 and -DRBn loci
  • over region nt 101 to 356 for HLA-DRB1 locus

Allele frequency net database (AFND) 2020 update: gold-standard data classification, open access genotype data and new query tools
Gonzalez-Galarza FF, McCabe A, Santos EJ, Jones J, Takeshita LY, Ortega-Rivera ND, Del Cid-Pavon GM, Ramsbottom K, Ghattaoraya GS, Alfirevic A, Middleton D and Jones AR Nucleic Acid Research 2020, 48:D783-8.
Liverpool, U.K.

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